"Own a Machine Not a Job"

Next Webinar is July 2, 2024, 10AM EST. Tune in for free!

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We offer a unique and affordable service where we guide you through what we call the Simplepath.

The Result: You’ll know exactly what to do to have a growing, more profitable, and successful business.

There are three main stages to the SimplePath

Stage 1: Review

We’ll show you what, specifically, is driving the revenue, profit and cash flow in your business.

Stage 2: Vision

We’ll uncover what your vision is for your business, and, together, we'll set targets for one year and the next five years for revenue, profit and cash flow drivers.

Stage 3: Score

Each month, we’ll meet with you and give you a Scoreboard as well as an Action Plan made up of a short list of 'objectives' and 'next steps'.

Achieve Clarity and Conquer Your Business Goals

You will be crystal clear about what needs to happen in order for your business to hit your one-year and five-year targets.

Make today the day you leave the confusion, and frustration behind and achieve the clarity, confidence and success you deserve.


Are we a good fit to work together?

This is a three-step process to achieve clarity within your business endeavor.

1. Right Fit Meeting

A 20-30 minute consultation will be scheduled to thoroughly discuss the specifics of your business, including an assessment of the successful and underperforming aspects.

2. Financial Assessment

A 20-30 minute consultation will be provided, during which we will demonstrate how we can assist you, rather than merely informing you. We will review your financial statements and other business metrics, identify any potential issues, and highlight any opportunities for growth.

3. Review Meeting

After careful consideration of the financial review, we will present a proposal for our continued collaboration, including a straightforward, monthly fee structure.

If a Right fit is confirmed by you and us, we’ll establish a meeting cadence, including:


Kickoff Meeting

The kickoff meeting sets the project's foundation for success by aligning stakeholders, introducing the team, and establishing key details.


Monthly Meeting

The Monthly Meeting is scheduled to convene to meticulously assess the financial standing for the preceding month and delineate objectives for the forthcoming month.


Annual Meeting

The Annual Meeting will convene to deliberate on the organization's financial performance for the year and strategize the objectives for the forthcoming year.

Ready to schedule a Right Fit Call?

Get in touch today and receive a complimentary consultation.