"Own a Machine Not a Job"

Next Webinar is July 2, 2024, 10AM EST. Tune in for free!

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Empowering Growth for Business Owners

We partner with business owners running companies with sales of $500k to $10M a year.

Are you in the business owner's trap?​

In the dynamic world of business, success often hinges on overcoming key obstacles.

There are three challenges facing business owners:

Challenge #1

You need cash to grow your business; but you don't know how to get more cash.

Challenge #2

You're an expert in your field, not necessarily an expert in business and financials.

Challenge #3

You don't understand the financial health of your business.

It's no wonder that most businesses fail.

So, how do you escape the business owners trap?

By transitioning from being an ‘industry expert’ who happens to run a business to managing your business professionally, with data-driven decision making.

That's why we exist.

We provide simple financial training and services just for business owners so you can have a growing business that's more profitable and highly successful…

...all without the overwhelm that typically comes with understanding numbers and financials.

Does This Sound Like You?

Hinges on You

Your business is heavily dependent on your involvement; without you, it risks falling apart. This level of reliance can hinder growth and sustainability in the long term.

Lack of Clarity

You don't have a simple way to know what's working - and what's not working - in your business. This lack of clarity can lead to inefficiencies and missed opportunities for improvement.

Growth Uncertainty

You are unsure of the steps needed to achieve growth and increased profitability for your business. This uncertainty can prevent you from making effective decisions and taking the right actions.

What's an outsourced CFO?

A CFO’s (Chief Financial Officer) job is to guide a business towards being a growing, more profitable and successful business.

We’ll give you one so that you can have more profit and more cash flow than last year – every year.

All for one flat fee per month.